
Pull Requests

  • Submit Pull Requests against the main branch.

  • Provide a good description of what you’re doing and why.

  • Provide tests that cover your changes and try to run the tests locally first.

Example. Assuming you set up GitHub account, forked wheel repository from to your own page via web interface, and your fork is located at

$ git clone
$ cd wheel
# ...
$ git diff
$ git add <modified> ...
$ git status
$ git commit

You may reference relevant issues in commit messages (like #1259) to make GitHub link issues and commits together, and with phrase like “fixes #1259” you can even close relevant issues automatically. Now push the changes to your fork:

$ git push

Open Pull Requests page at and click “New pull request”. That’s it.

Automated Testing

All pull requests and merges to main branch are tested in GitHub Actions based on the workflows in the .github directory.

The only way to trigger the test suite to run again for a pull request is to submit another change to the pull branch.

Running Tests Locally

Python requirements: tox or pytest

To run the tests via tox against all matching interpreters:

$ tox

To run the tests via tox against a specific environment:

$ tox -e py35

Alternatively, you can run the tests via pytest using your default interpreter:

$ pip install -e .[test]  # Installs the test dependencies
$ pytest                  # Runs the tests with the current interpreter

The above pip install command will replace the current interpreter’s installed wheel package with the development package being tested. If you use this workflow, it is recommended to run it under a virtualenv.

Getting Involved

The wheel project welcomes help in the following ways:

  • Making Pull Requests for code, tests, or docs.

  • Commenting on open issues and pull requests.

  • Helping to answer questions on the mailing list.

Release Process

To make a new release:

  1. Edit docs/news.rst and replace **UNRELEASED** with a release version and date, like **X.Y.Z (20XX-YY-ZZ)**.

  2. Replace the __version__ attribute in src/wheel/ with the same version number as above (without the date of course).

  3. Create a new git tag matching the version exactly

  4. Push the new tag to GitHub

Pushing a new tag to GitHub will trigger the publish workflow which package the project and publish the resulting artifacts to PyPI.